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Health Coaching Package (3 visits)

Health coaching  for a 3 session service (1 hour per session). In the three sessions we will do an intake of your current health status, discuss concerns, set wellness goals and monitor your progress. The three sessions will also include a calls/texts or emails from your coach to keep you motivated. (consultations are done via webinar or phone. Your preference)

Herbal Education Package (3 visits)

Herbal Education for a 3 session service (1 hour per session). In the three sessions we will do an intake of your current health status and work to increase your knowledge of self care using herbs. The three sessions will also include a calls/texts or emails from your herbalist to check on your progress. (consultations are done via webinar or phone. Your preference)


In Person Classes Available by Appointment ONLY!


Brenda at 954-549-7518

to Schedule or to learn more about our in person sessions, classes and speaking engagements

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